The world Coronavirus pandemic is, unfortunately, the worst pandemic of the contemporary era: the Spanish fever, at the beginning of XX Century, is the only one that has been worse than Coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 is a danger for the world health and is a danger for the world economy too: in this period we are facing up not only a world healthy crisis, but also a world economic crisis.

Our company, DianFlex, as many other companies, is facing up this new “challenge”, with all its own competence and its own professionalism.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, several fairs of thermo-hydraulic and ceramic sector didn’t take place in 2020 (for example, the International ceramic fair CERSAIE and the BRICODAY and many more in Italy and abroad): however,

DianFlex holds on.

We didn’t stop:

this is our spirit, the spirit of a company that – notwithstanding the difficulties related to the pandemic – is holding on.

We have realized more than one thousand new products on our catalog;

among these new references, many products related to our ANTI COVID-19 series. Infact, we have introduced several touchless products and personal protective equipment.

Uniti contro COVID-19… diamoci una mano: United against COVID-19: let's help each other. This is DianFlex spirit, to face up and get over this world crisis.